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Teaching visual methods online in the real world

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About This Course

This course is will provide you with a better understanding of the contextual factors for teaching visual methods online. We focus on the legal context for creating media, the languages of instruction and the availability of technology. During the course, participants will have the opportunity to explore for themselves the particular context in which they teach, as the effects of these factors are different between different universities and different national contexts. 

Study advice

We have structured the course so that you can follow the material in the way that suits you best. If you are only interested in an overview of the issues, you can choose which of the units suits you best. If you want to understand more about the context of teaching visual methods in your own institution and country, then in each case, the unit is an introduction to an assignment that you can follow on your own or with a set of colleagues to investigate the context where you work.

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What you'll learn

  • To understand the principles and issues behind copyright and privacy law and practice in their own context and be able to develop strategies for them and their students to produce legal media.
  • To ascertain some of the linguistic considerations when teaching visual communication courses and using visual methods in online teaching and determine which strategies are most suitable to apply in their own context.
  • To appreciate the national and macro-conditions related to the use of technology in teaching and learning in their respective higher education context.
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The course is structured into three modules: (i) Creating legal media, (ii) Language(s) of instruction and (iii) Access to technology

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What web browser should I use?

The Open edX platform works best with current versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari.

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  5. Course Type

    Self-paced on your time

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