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Digital Storytelling for teaching practical subjects

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About This Course


This introductory course  is aimed at those wishing to use Digital Storytelling (DS) for teaching practical subjects. It describes the history and background of the Digital Story, the development and growth of DS as a form of participatory media practice and explores some current uses of DS across academia, community work and in Higher Education. Interviews with leading experts provide guidance and sample stories are tools that can be used to inform subsequent practice.  Learners will understand the range of influences that have shaped the practice and see how it has been used in an educational setting so they can  consider how DS can be used in their own work. 

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What you'll learn

  • The history of Digital Storytelling
  • How Digital Stories can be created through a range of different tools and platforms
  • The use of Digital Storytelling as personal narrative form that can demonstrate applied learning
  • The use of Digital Storytelling to facilitate authentic or reflective assessment
  • Pedagogical dilemmas around the use of Digital Storytelling for in-depth teaching and assessment of practical subjects
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Unit One - What is Digital Storytelling?

By the end of the unit, learners will understand the basic nature of the Digital Story and the skills, knowledge and experience needed to run a successful workshop. 

Unit Two – Teaching Digital Storytelling in practical subjects

This unit explores tools, strategies, and considerations for adapting digital storytelling curriculum to your practical courses. 

Unit Three – Using Digital Storytelling for online learning and assessment

Building on students’ and teachers’ perspectives, this unit explores how to adapt this flexible model to a diverse range of needs within the assessment process.

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Meet your instructors

Mark Dunford
Director - DigiTales
Antonia Liguori
Senior Lecturer in Applied Storytelling, Loughborough University
Ngozi Oparah

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The Open edX platform works best with current versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari.

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    Self-paced on your time

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