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Teaching with Care

Enroll in 02 Starts

About This Course

Mental health issues have increased in both staff and students during the course of the pandemic, increasing sensitivity and interest towards staff and students’ wellbeing. This course will problematise mental health as both a personal and systemic symptom of our current neoliberal context, make a case for more holistic, integrative teaching and learning approaches, that focus on cognitive learning outcomes, but also on affective and relational dimensions of teaching and learning, and share strategies on how to navigate teaching and learning online that foster both student and staff wellbeing.

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What you'll learn

  • Strategies (both personal and institutional) that foster student and staff well being).
  • How to explore their own positionality/identity and how it affects teaching and learning practices.
  • The current context of higher education and how it affects staff and student wellbeing.
  • The boundaries and challenges of relational/affective teaching and learning practices, in order to develop a teaching and learning frameworks centered on care and compassion.
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The course is structured into three modules: Context for Care, Caring for Others, Caring for self. Each of the modules is in turn structured as follows:

Module 1 - Context for care

  • Before the pandemic
  • During the pandemic
  • After the pandemic: what now? what has changed?

Module 2  - Caring for others

  • Empathy
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Non violent communication

Module 3  - Caring for self 

  • Selfcare
  • Caring for each other
  • Caring for the institution

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    Self-paced on your time

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