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Enhancing (online) engagement

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About This Course

The overall aim of the Futur(e)ability courses is to train HEI Educators in order to allow them to acquire competencies and skills to make online learning more participatory, flexible and interesting. Specifically, the purpose of the  Enhancing (online) engagement course is to help educators to enhance students’ online participation and engagement within their classes.

During the course, participants will explore tools and software for online participatory activities, as well as strategies for fostering students’ engagement, and acquiring tools, methodologies and pedagogy to adopt for online teaching.

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What you'll learn

  • Teaching and learning frameworks based on participation.
  • Soft skills and netiquette for online learning.
  • How to develop the following set of target competencies according to the LifeComp framework: Growth mindset ; Critical Thinking ; Managing Learning; Empathy; Communication;
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The course is structured into three modules: Tools and activities for online teaching, Prompts and engaging activities, Soft skills. Each of the modules is in turn structured as follows:

Module 1 - Tools and activities for online teaching 

  • Tools for creating a group space to know each other 
  • Tools for survey/feedback 
  • Tools for keeping lectures interactive and participative 

 Module 2  - Prompts and engaging activities

  • Prompts and E-tivities 
  • Engage an online classroom and foster socialization
  • Information exchange and knowledge construction 

 Module 3  - Soft skills 

  • Communication and Netiquette
  • Teamwork and cultural competences
  • Empathy
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The Open edX platform works best with current versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari.

  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

  3. Price

  4. Language

  5. Course Type

    Self-paced on your time

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